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Research Interest

Cultural anthropology, human dimensions of conservation, tourism, environmental conflict, sustainable consumption, consumer culture, feces standard money.




Coauthor, with Jinsook Choi 2017. 울산의 고래문화. 울산의 민속문화, pp. 261-317. 국립민속박물관

Co-editor, with Jaime Moreno Tejada. 2016. Transnational Frontiers of Asia and Latin America since 1800. London: Routledge.


Journal Articles

Kim, S. and B. Tatar. 2018 Dolphin Liberation in Korea: Is it Beneficial for Conservation? Coastal Management 46(3): 1-13.

Tatar, B. and C. Jung. 2018. Getting to Know the Consumer: Toward Mitigation of Illegal Whale Meat in South Korea. Marine Policy 89: 116-123.

2017. Place-making, Landscape and Materialities: Whales and Social Practices in Ulsan, Korea. Korean Cultural Anthropology 50(2): 406-445.

Kim, J. and B. Tatar. 2017. Nonnative English-Speaking Professors’ Experiences of EnglishMedium Instruction and Their Perceived Roles of the Local Language. Journal of Language Identity and Education 16(3): 157-171

Kim, J., J. Choi and B. Tatar. 2017. English-Medium Instruction and Intercultural Sensitivity: A Korean Case Study. Journal of Studies in International Education 21(5): 467-482.

Alava, J.J., B. Tatar, M.J. Barragán, C. Castro, P. Rosero, J. Denkinger, P.J. Jiménez, R. Carvajal, J. Samaniego. 2017. Mitigating cetacean bycatch in coastal Ecuador: Governance challenges for small-scale fisheries. Marine Policy.

2015 Destroying Patriarchy: Struggle for Sexual Equality in Mexican American Corridos and in Anglo American Ballads. Journal of American Culture 38(1): 4-15.

2014 The Safety of Bycatch: South Korean Responses to the Moratorium on Commercial Whaling. Journal of Marine and Island Cultures (3) 2: 89-97.

2014 Whale Conservation in Coastal Ecuador: Environmentalism of the Poor or Neoliberal Conservation? Revista Iberoamericana 25 (2): 1-33.

Kim, J., Tatar, B. and Choi, J. 2014. Emerging Culture of English-medium Instruction in Korea: Experiences of Korean and International Students. Language and Intercultural Communication 14 (4): 441-459.

Choi, J., Tatar, B. and Kim, J. 2014. Can EFL Speakers Communicate in English-mediated Classes? A Case of a Liberal Arts Class for Engineering Students in Korea. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 43 (4): 369-385.

Choi, J., Tatar, B. and Kim, J. 2014. Dialogic Interactions in the English-Mediated Classroom: A Case Study of a Social Science Class for Engineering Students in Korea. Asian Social Science 10 (16): 123-130.

Tatar, B. and Lee, T. 2012 The Challenge of Governance: Cultural Barriers to Enforcement of the IWC Whaling Moratorium in Korea. Korea Observer 43 (4): 617- 648.

2010 Hombres Bravos, Mujeres Bravas: Gender and Violence in the Mexican Corrido. Asian Journal of Latin American Studies 23 (4): 83-117.

2009 History and Social Memory in Sandinista Politics. Latin American Perspectives 36 (5): 158-177. [SSCI]

2008 Latino Ethnicity and Other Influences on the Immigrants’ Rights Movement in the United States. American Studies31 (1): 57-92.

2005 Emergence of Nationalist Identity in Armed Insurrections: A Comparison of Iraq and Nicaragua. Anthropological Quarterly 78 (1): 179-195. [SSCI]

2004 Latin American Immigrants, Nationalism and Identity in the Music of Los Tigres del Norte. Journal of Latino-Latin American Studies 1 (3): 33-64.

2002 Socialism and Capitalism as Conflicting Cultural Models in Nicaraguan Politics. Anthropology of Eastern Europe Review, 20 (2): 31-36.